Empty life of you and I so it feels now. Good thing.

2024, monday 22 april.

I feel empty. I see the world as empty.
Despite and because of social media.

A human world led by illusions. I am led by distractions how’s purpose is to distract me. To prevent me from becoming real.

I am not the first nor the last to be faced with this.

It is part of my transformation. From being fooled, mesmerized like everyone else. From thinking like everyone else. From thinking as we are tough to think. To be free and awakened from that deception, illusion, lost.

It is a journey. It starts of as being “my” trip. But I am not just I but also we. We all are . So it becomes “our” trip.

  • I find no solace in culture any more. I find it immature. > Integrating that is very difficult.
  • It is driven by external spiritual forces both pro and contra.
  • I currently have barely no room to have a conventional life. For it imprints me. And my future lies in being free of that imprinting.
  • My future lies in spiritual emancipation
  • Since birth we assimilate. Are imprinted without being aware that we do that. Being intelligent is then being good in being imprinted.

May your pursuit lead to emancipation.

Most of what is pursued is degenerate.

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