My change, a next step : material, spiritual

Hallo it has been a while.


My change started in 2006.

We are now 2024. Sat 13 april.

A change of my place in the world.

From a young man coming from no spiritual background living in Belgium.

To an older maturer young man coming in his place in a spiritual reality.

In between my non spiritual and my spiritual maturity I am now. Like a tree that still got growing to do.

Trouble of various kinds I still face.

Troubles I have had.

Others have reported that they spiritual feel that there is something big going on.

I wonder if it is relevant that in the chinese horoscope this is the year of the dragon. I do not follow such things. But I am learning that there are things that before my change I would not have believed.

: Soul family :

I learned there is soul family. That means a connect beyond dead. When I meet someone that is part of my soul family I feel weakly connected. We klick together. I some years ago saw in a vision the soul family shaped like tree. The closest member is a soul twin. Their are also soul mates. You can be soul connected with someone of another soul family.

Being close by to a soul family member can be tricky. It is possible that at the soul level you merge, become one while still having a separate body and mind. Like being a siamese twin. Learn to live with it. Learn to not have a problem with it.

You maybe married and you meet someone who is soul family. That can be another tricky situation.

: Me :

I am more and more identifying with my soul. It is very important to have a level head. Being with people makes me lose my levelheadedness. But it depends who they are. 

Being for me now depends on the environment and lack of self.

Am I less and less identifying with society ?

I currently live in the city of Antwerpen in Belgium. One of the major cities in Belgium. With an international crowd and tourist. One of the major industrial ports of Europe.

Someone with my background would have studied, gotten a job, a house (mortgage ?). Worked their ass for the boss. A family maybe.

I am glad I am escaping that. I could have lived a happy life like that but I can not longer have a happy life like that.

I can now only have a happy life being in proces of becoming awakened,

: Awakening in various traditions :

Buddhism : a bodhysatva.

Islam : Taskiyah. Part of islamic mysticism (sufy)

Christianity : part of christian mysticism

Judaism : part of judaism mysticism (kabbalah and others)


Good teachers, good practice, take your time to do it right. Always with a level head.

Succes gives a level head, grace, harmony, peace, connection.

That is the result. Getting there, an adventure. Not for the faint of heart. Catharsis.

There are bad spirits, so be warned.

: material spiritual :

I do not yet have grace, harmony but I do have peace with my oddysee.

Now occasionally I get an inspiration to think of, get a frame of mind that the material is spiritual.

Some time ago while thinking of electrons I got the inspiration to think of them as spiritual. Today I got it similar with an atom, molecule. I forgot which one it is.

2 thoughts on “My change, a next step : material, spiritual

  1. mosckerr

    The UN stands upon absolutely no foundation of merit. The morality of both Xtian new testament and Muslim koran – fundamentally cracked and worthless.
    Post Shoah guilty Xtians have no shame. Their revisionist history just a pile of shit stacked upon more stinky shit. Their repulsive new testament revisionist history shares no portion with the T’NaCH.
    The Spirits which live eternally from within the language of Mussar prophetic common law of the Hebrew T’NaCH, breathes and lives within the hearts of the Jewish people alone, in all generations.
    Goyim never accepted the revelation of the Torah at Sinai and share no portion with the T’NaCH spirituality which determines לשמה the culture, customs, manners, ways, practices — in short the halacha and minchagim of the Jewish people in all generations.
    Learning to do mitzvot דאורייתא ודרבנן לשמה – Hearin defines Kabbalah. מעשה בראשית the continual act of Creation … doing טהור זימן גרמא מצוות לשמה. Everything else, simply trivial commentary.

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